Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Third Man

While watching The Third Man, I definitly noticed an eerie feeling about the movie. However, I never really put together how this movie could be related to Dracula. But, after thinking it over I realized that Harry Lime and Dracula have more in common then I thought.

Even though I haven't seen Dracula in years, I remember that Dracula had no scense of right and wrong, and neither did Harry. There were numerous things Lime did that I found questionable. However, I found the talk Lime had on the ferris wheel with Holly Martin very disturbing in so many ways. When Lime was talking about the "dots" down below as people and when Martin brings up all the people that Lime has harmed, not only does he not show any remorse but wears a smirk on his face the whole time. I also remember thinking that when Lime opens the door to the ferris wheel, I was not completly sure he wasn't going to shove Martin right out the door to his death. Any of this could only be done by someone who has no sence of right or wrong.

I found the film location very interesting too. I thought the old, rundown, brick setting made it eerie and gave them a lot of options for shadows and camera options. However, my favorite parts would be when Lime is being chased throughout the sewers. This location to me was interesting because not only are sewers creepy and eerie to begin with, but it gives a lot of options for shadow effects and makes for an awesome setting.

Also, I thought the sewers were an interesting part of the Dracula theory. It's said that vampires are damned to hell, and I think that it's ironic that Lime's final minutes are underground in a sewer. It's almost like he tried to escape but ultimately Lime was going to be damned to hell in the underworld for what he had done.

I thought this movie was good but I'm still confused as to who I think the hero and anti-hero are. I'm still not even sure who I want to sympathize with throughout the movie. However, I do know realize that there are more similarities between Lime and Dracula then I had thought.

1 comment:

  1. This is a nice summary of your thoughts and observations. It would have been really interesting though, for you to explore your confusion a little bit. Why are you confused? what about the cinematic and thematic features and attributes you mentioned might have contributed to your confusion? Could this have been deliberate on the filmmakers' part? If so, what does that make the movie about?
