Friday, February 12, 2010


As much as I liked Laura, I couldn't help but be weirded out after watching the movie. There was a lot about this movie that I just didn't understand and just shook my head at. I couldn't really relate to any of the characters because I felt they all had some weird issues going on with them.

First there was Lydecker. I dont even know where to start with him, except to tell him to put some clothes on. To me, he was the creepy older guy and I felt that all he wanted was Laura as more of an object then a person. I think that if he could have made her into a doll size he would put her on one of his shelves as a valuable. Their relationship was weird, and i'm not sure if either one of them really liked each other.

Next there was Carpenter. I don't know what Laura ever saw in him. He is the scumbag with two other girls on the side - which have some pretty different age ranges - and I feel that he almost wanted to get caught. He was at Laura's house with both of them and the one came to her party where Laura was just feet away. He has no money, no job, and basically thinks he can get by with his looks; which aren't even that great.

Then there was McPherson. I really wanted him to be the good looking muscular police officer to come in and save the day, but boy was I wrong. I think he had more issues then the other two guys. He became infatuated with a portrait of a "dead" girl. Also, even if I was dead I dont think I would appreciate some guy I didn't know going through drawrs, smelling perfume, and drinking alcohol was ok when you don't even know the girl. Also, I noticed that we see him mostly in Laura's hosue, and the portrait of her is in the background behind him almost the whole time.

I had numerous problems with Laura. First, she couldn't make up her mind to save her life. I was constantly wondering what guy she was with and what she would do next. However, what killed me was when she walked into her apartment after the murder, she acted like o.k. with everything. I would have been freaking out, wondering who was murderd and how I got involved but no, Laura's like oh, ok. Furthermore, it seemed that the murder just got lost in the story. The whole movie she had no personality, and I still am not sure who she really is. However, I also feel like I wasn't supossed to know who she is.

All in all with Laura's lack of personality, lack of decsion making skills and everything else she has going on I feel that maybe all these guys are infatuated with the type of girl she is rather then her herself. These guys wanted that skinny pretty girl who is wealthy, and they all see that in her.


  1. I also like McPherson at first. And after we learned about him falling for the portrait of Laura I switched to feeling sorry for him. But of the 3 men he still seems, to me, to be the most like-able... he's not a cheater nor a murderer.

  2. I can't agree more with you and erin. I liked McPherson more out of the rest of them. Yes, he became a little creepy by recking the crime scene to snoop through Laura's items but he was the better man character wise. Even after he weirded me out by falling in love with a dead Laura, I counldn't help but still cheer him on. The other two guys just pissed me off or irritated me.

  3. Trying to personify these characters can be somewhat tricky. If we get focused too much on who they are as people, I can see why you might feel confused. Perhaps the phenomenon going on in this triangle is of more importance in the film. Could it be a direct choice to use a "main character" that is distant and aloof in order to shift the focus and attention in the film elsewhere?

  4. It's true that all these characters had their own issues, especially with Carpenter. Like the part where Laura walked in on him having a date with that other girl, he just acted like nothing was wrong and tried talking to her. It really brings up thoughts as to what issues Laura herself has if she keeps coming back to him. I also agree with you on her reaction with the murder. I think that one of the reasons the murder stops playing such a big role in the film once she shows up is the fact that she herself doesn't really show concern about it.

  5. >>>All in all with Laura's lack of personality, lack of decsion making skills and everything else she has going on I feel that maybe all these guys are infatuated with the type of girl she is rather then her herself.

    Yes! Think of what this movie is doing with images--specifically with images of women. And our are our expectations, as an audience, implicated in this?
